Jasper Stones: The Ultimate Guite To 50+ Types Of Jasper (Meaning, Healing and Origins)

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the wide variety of gemstones available, especially when it comes to jasper stones? You’re not alone. Many people find it challenging to navigate the extensive world of jasper, a stone that comes in an array of stunning colors and patterns. This confusion can often lead to indecision, potentially making you miss out on the beauty and healing benefits these unique stones can provide.

In our comprehensive guide, we’ll demystify this diverse crystal group, introducing you to their distinct features, healing properties, and associated chakras. By the end, you’ll be well-equipped to choose the perfect jasper stone for your needs.

What is a jasper stone?

Jasper stones, often referred to as the “supreme nurturer,” have fascinated humans for centuries, featuring heavily in numerous cultures, traditions, and healing practices. These versatile stones, abundant in a myriad of colors and patterns, hold immense significance in physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, making them a perennial favorite among stone enthusiasts and holistic healers.

Jasper stone composition and characteristics

Jasper, a variety of chalcedony, is an opaque, microcrystalline quartz. Its aesthetic diversity, ranging from vibrant reds, soothing greens, tranquil blues, to earthy browns, comes from the presence of varied mineral impurities. The multitudes of patterns present in Jasper – streaks, bands, swirls, or spots – further enhance its charm, making each stone unique.

The hardness of Jasper, rated between 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, paired with its ability to take an excellent polish, makes it ideal for jewelry, decorative items, and carvings. Beyond its physical properties, Jasper stones are cherished for their metaphysical properties, offering a world of healing benefits.

Jasper Meaning and healing properties

The name ‘Jasper’ is derived from the Greek word ‘iaspis,’ meaning ‘spotted stone.’ Revered in many cultures, it is symbolically known as the ‘supreme nurturer’ because of its purported abilities to support during stressful times and impart courage to its bearer.

  • Physical Healing Properties

Holistic and alternative medicine practitioners have long revered Jasper for its suggested physical healing properties. Although not a replacement for professional medical advice and treatment, Jasper stones have been associated with improving the circulatory system, aiding digestion, and supporting sexual health.

Red Jasper, for instance, is believed to enhance stamina and endurance, while Yellow Jasper is often associated with strengthening the immune system. Ocean Jasper, known for its calming swirls, might support the lymphatic system, aiding detoxification.

  • Spiritual Healing Properties

On a spiritual level, Jasper stones are believed to promote grounding, balance, and a deep connection to Earth. By aligning the chakras and absorbing negative energy, Jasper provides spiritual protection and aids in enhancing one’s aura.

For example, Picture Jasper, with its earthly patterns, is said to bolster spiritual awakening and enhance meditation. Bumblebee Jasper, with its vibrant yellow and black stripes, is believed to ignite a new zest for life and stimulate change.

Jasper Stone History

Jasper has a long history dating back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations revered Jasper for its beauty and perceived healing properties. It is mentioned in Greek, Hebrew, Assyrian, Persian, and Latin literature.

The ancient Egyptians carved amulets of Jasper to bury with their deceased to ensure safe passage to the afterlife. Warriors of the ancient and medieval world often carried Red Jasper for its reputed ability to instill courage and to staunch wounds. In mystic circles, Green Jasper was often used for its purported ability to drive away evil spirits and protect against snake and spider bites.

In modern times, the appeal of Jasper stones persists. Not only are they prized for their visual beauty in jewelry and decor, but the potential healing benefits of Jasper also make it a staple stone in the practices of many energy workers and crystal healers.

The 12 Most Popular Types of Jasper Stones

  • Red Jasper

This vibrant stone, characterized by a deep, rusty red, is often found worldwide. Ancient civilizations used Red Jasper for its alleged protective qualities. Spiritually, it is linked with grounding energy, fostering emotional stability and courage. Red Jasper is associated with the base or root chakra, signifying a strong connection to the Earth and increased personal strength and stamina.

  • Color: Deep, rusty red
  • Meaning: Protection, Grounding
  • Healing Properties: Alleged protective qualities, fosters emotional stability and courage
  • Chakra: Base or Root Chakra
  • Picture Jasper

This form of jasper is celebrated for its patterns, reminiscent of abstract landscapes, hence its name. Mostly found in the Northwestern regions of the USA, Picture Jasper is believed to carry energies that inspire ecological responsibility. It’s connected with the root chakra, reinforcing feelings of security, and instilling a deep sense of harmony with Mother Earth.

    • Color: Picture Jasper displays shades of brown with swirls and layers that form patterns reminiscent of landscapes.
    • Meaning: This stone is known to encourage ecological responsibility and a deeper connection with the Earth.
    • Healing Properties: It is believed to help with grounding and stability, promoting comfort and alleviating fear.
    • Chakra: Picture Jasper is associated with the root chakra, fostering feelings of security and a strong bond with nature.
  • Yellow Jasper

Recognizable by its sunny hues, Yellow Jasper originates from areas like South Africa, Russia, and the USA. It’s thought to stimulate the solar plexus chakra, boosting confidence and control over one’s life. Its healing properties include channeling positive energy, promoting self-confidence, and offering protection during spiritual work or physical travel.

    • Color: Yellow Jasper, as the name suggests, features vibrant, sunny hues.
    • Meaning: It symbolizes positivity, confidence, and protection.
    • Healing Properties: Yellow Jasper is thought to channel positive energy and promote self-confidence. It’s also considered protective during spiritual work or physical travel.
    • Chakra: It stimulates the solar plexus chakra, helping individuals to assert personal power and control over their own life.
  • Green Jasper

Known for its rich, verdant shades, Green Jasper can be found worldwide. In the spiritual realm, this stone is said to aid in balancing obsessive tendencies and restoring harmony to the emotional body. It’s connected to the heart chakra, aiding in self-healing and promoting feelings of love and compassion.

  • Color: Green Jasper can range in shades from light to deep green.
  • Meaning: It symbolizes balance, harmony, and emotional wellbeing.
  • Healing Properties: This stone is believed to balance obsessive tendencies and restore harmony to one’s emotional body.
  • Chakra: Green Jasper is associated with the heart chakra, aiding self-healing and promoting feelings of love and compassion.
  • Brown Jasper

As the name implies, this stone varies in shades of brown and is found all over the world. Brown Jasper is believed to encourage grounding and stability. Associated with the earth chakra, it enhances ecological awareness and is said to bring peace and healing energies to those who wear it.

  • Color: Brown Jasper features shades of brown, from light to dark.
  • Meaning: It symbolizes stability, balance, and a strong connection with Earth.
  • Healing Properties: This stone is believed to encourage grounding and stability, offering comfort and tranquility.
  • Chakra: Brown Jasper is connected to the earth chakra, enhancing ecological awareness and peace.
  • Ocean Jasper

This variant, famous for its orbs and patterns reminiscent of the ocean, comes from Madagascar. It’s associated with the heart and throat chakras, encouraging clear communication of feelings. Believed to promote relaxation and loving feelings, Ocean Jasper brings peace of mind and invites positive, soothing energies.

  • Color: Ocean Jasper exhibits patterns and colors reminiscent of the sea, including blues, greens, whites, and creams.
  • Meaning: The stone symbolizes clarity, communication, and positivity.
  • Healing Properties: It is believed to promote relaxation and love, bringing peace of mind and positivity.
  • Chakra: Ocean Jasper is associated with the heart and throat chakras, promoting clear communication of feelings and emotions.
  • Poppy Jasper

Known for its vibrant red and black specks, resembling poppy flowers, it’s commonly found in California, USA. The stone is said to stimulate the base and sacral chakras, enhancing energy and vitality. Its healing properties include promoting a sense of joy, dynamism, and alertness.

  • Color: Poppy Jasper is notable for its red and black specks on a background that can range from off-white to pink.
  • Meaning: This vibrant stone represents energy, dynamism, and joy.
  • Healing Properties: It is believed to stimulate energy and vitality, offering feelings of joy and alertness.
  • Chakra: Poppy Jasper is associated with the base and sacral chakras, grounding and promoting vitality.
  • Mookaite Jasper

This jasper variety hails from Western Australia. Its colors range from deep mustard yellows to purples and reds. Mookaite is associated with the solar plexus, base, and third eye chakras. It purportedly aids in intuition, decision-making, and encourages versatility and acceptance of change.

  • Color: Mookaite Jasper exhibits hues from deep mustard yellows to purples and reds.
  • Meaning: It symbolizes versatility, intuition, and acceptance of change.
  • Healing Properties: This stone is thought to help with decision-making and encourages versatility and the acceptance of change.
  • Chakra: Mookaite Jasper is connected with the solar plexus, base, and third eye chakras, promoting intuition and insight.
  • Brecciated Jasper

Comprising red jasper and hematite, Brecciated Jasper is a vibrant stone, often marked by stark, contrasting patterns. It stimulates the base and sacral chakras, encouraging mental clarity and grounding. Believed to provide tranquility and wholeness, it also supports during times of stress.

  • Color: Brecciated Jasper is made up of red jasper and hematite, creating a distinctive mix of reds and grays, often with stark, contrasting patterns.
  • Meaning: This stone represents mental clarity, grounding, and tranquility.
  • Healing Properties: Brecciated Jasper is believed to provide wholeness and peace while supporting during times of stress.
  • Chakra: It stimulates
  • Dalmatian Jasper

With its characteristic black spots on a creamy white background, this variant resembles a Dalmatian’s coat. Found mainly in Mexico, it is believed to purify the blood and boost the immune system. Connected with the base chakra, Dalmatian Jasper brings grounding energy, helps dispel negative energies, and promotes a sense of stability and protection. It is also known to enhance one’s determination and perseverance, making it an ideal stone for those facing challenges or seeking to achieve their goals. Emotionally, Dalmatian Jasper encourages a positive outlook and supports emotional healing.

  • Color: Dalmatian Jasper is notable for its unique black and brown spots on a cream or off-white background, resembling the coat of a Dalmatian dog.
  • Meaning: This playful stone symbolizes protection, grounding, and positivity.
  • Healing Properties: It is believed to purify the blood and boost the immune system, providing a sense of fun and joy to life.
  • Chakra: Dalmatian Jasper is associated with the base chakra, grounding and offering a protective energy.
  • Dragon Blood Jasper

This distinctive variety of jasper is known for its vibrant green color speckled with crimson spots, giving it its unique name. Sourced primarily from Western Australia, Dragon Blood Jasper is connected to the Heart Chakra and is believed to enhance life force, courage, and vitality. This striking gemstone is formed from deep green epidote and piemontite. This stone’s eye-catching appearance makes it a favorite among jewelry designers and collectors alike.

  • Color: Dragon Blood Jasper is a unique variant with a deep green color speckled with distinctive spots of crimson.
  • Meaning: The stone is believed to symbolize courage, strength, and vitality.
  • Healing Properties: Dragon Blood Jasper is said to enhance life force, courage, and vitality.
  • Chakra: This gemstone is associated with the heart chakra, enhancing emotional balance and encouraging love and forgiveness.
  • Imperial Jasper

This jasper variety is revered for its unique “egg” pattern and comes in a range of colors, although it’s most commonly found in green, brown, and bluish-purple hues. Sourced primarily from the vicinity of Guadalajara, Mexico, Imperial Jasper is a sought-after stone known for its quality and vibrancy. Forming in the veins of large nodules in a host rock, Imperial Jasper’s stunning patterns and colors make it a coveted stone in the jewelry industry. Notably, Imperial Jasper is thought to provide tranquility, nurturing energies, and protection against negative vibrations.

  • Color: Imperial Jasper typically showcases green, brown, and bluish-purple hues, often with unique “egg” patterns.
  • Meaning: Known as a nurturing stone, it represents tranquility, peace, and protection.
  • Healing Properties: This stone is thought to provide tranquility, nurture, and protect against negative vibrations.
  • Chakra: Imperial Jasper does not have a specific chakra alignment, but it’s generally associated with whichever chakra its color resonates with.

Other types of Jasper (From A to Z)

  • African Jasper

African Jasper is a nurturer stone, as with all types of Jasper, it’s believed to have a stabilizing effect and can help align the chakras. It is known for its mottled patterns with green, brown, black, and cream colors. This stone is said to alleviate stress, enhance tranquility, and bring inner peace, promoting a stronger connection with nature.

  • Color: African Jasper is notable for its mottled patterns with green, brown, black, and cream colors.
  • Meaning: This stone, like all Jasper types, symbolizes stability and alignment, functioning as a nurturing stone.
  • Healing Properties: African Jasper is said to alleviate stress, enhance tranquility, bring inner peace, and promote a stronger connection with nature.
  • Chakra: This stone can help align all the chakras, bringing an overall balance.
  • Brazilian Jasper

Recognized for its various hues, including red, yellow, and blue, Brazilian Jasper is considered a stone of protection and grounding. It resonates primarily with the solar plexus chakra, stimulating personal power and intellectual abilities. Furthermore, it can inspire creative visualizations and happiness, helping to bring one’s ideas and goals to fruition.

  • Color: Brazilian Jasper comes in various hues, including red, yellow, and blue.
  • Meaning: Recognized as a stone of protection and grounding, it brings about personal power and intellectual abilities.
  • Healing Properties: This stone inspires creative visualizations and happiness, aiding in the realization of one’s goals.
  • Chakra: It resonates primarily with the solar plexus chakra, promoting self-confidence and ambition.
  • Bruneau Jasper

Sourced from the Bruneau River in Idaho, USA, Bruneau Jasper is notable for its distinctive circular or orbicular patterns. This stone is believed to offer grounding energy and aid in decision-making processes, making it a great companion for those seeking clarity and direction. Its energy resonates with the base or root chakra, promoting a strong sense of stability.

  • Color: Bruneau Jasper is distinguishable by its distinctive circular or orbicular patterns.
  • Meaning: This stone signifies grounding energy and clarity in decision-making processes.
  • Healing Properties: It helps with clarity and direction, making it a companion for those seeking a clear path forward.
  • Chakra: Its energy resonates with the base or root chakra, promoting a strong sense of stability.
  • Bumblebee Jasper

Found only on the Indonesian island of Java, Bumblebee Jasper is a rare stone known for its vibrant yellow, orange, and black bands, similar to a bumblebee. It is believed to stimulate the sacral and solar plexus chakras, enhancing one’s zest for life, increasing self-confidence, and inspiring acceptance of change. However, it’s worth noting that this stone is technically not true Jasper and contains arsenic; hence handling precautions are advised.

  • Color: Bumblebee Jasper is known for its vibrant yellow, orange, and black bands.
  • Meaning: It symbolizes zest for life, self-confidence, and acceptance of change.
  • Healing Properties: The stone is believed to enhance zest for life, increase self-confidence, and inspire acceptance of change.
  • Chakra: Bumblebee Jasper stimulates the sacral and solar plexus chakras. Note: this stone is technically not a true Jasper and contains arsenic, hence handling precautions are advised.
  • Biggs Jasper

Originating from the Biggs Junction area in Oregon, USA, this type of Jasper is renowned for its striking, bold patterns that resemble a landscape. Spiritually, Biggs Jasper is believed to encourage grounding and provide a calming effect. It is thought to enhance creative vision, making it a useful tool for artists. Biggs Jasper is associated with the base chakra, helping to keep one balanced and grounded.

  • Color: Biggs Jasper is celebrated for its bold patterns resembling a landscape.
  • Meaning: This stone symbolizes grounding and a calming effect.
  • Healing Properties: It is believed to enhance creative vision, making it useful for artists.
  • Chakra: Biggs Jasper is connected with the base chakra, promoting balance and grounding.
  • Carrasite Jasper

Carrasite Jasper is prized for its unique green-blue colorations and is sourced from the Owyhee region in Oregon, USA. Associated with the throat chakra, it is believed to assist in clear and calm communication, emotional expression, and the resolution of unresolved issues. Additionally, its grounding energies can foster a sense of tranquility and balance.

  • Color: Carrasite Jasper is known for its unique green-blue colorations.
  • Meaning: The stone symbolizes calm communication and emotional expression.
  • Healing Properties: It aids in clear and calm communication, emotional expression, and resolving unresolved issues.
  • Chakra: This stone is associated with the throat chakra, promoting expression and resolution of issues.
  • Chemical Jaspers

Chemical Jaspers, often crafted in a lab using industrial processes, retain similar energies to naturally occurring Jasper despite their synthetic origin. These man-made stones are thought to possess stabilizing and healing properties that help maintain balance and promote a sense of wholeness. Chemical Jaspers are great tools for meditation and spiritual practices, providing a solid grounding energy that allows one to connect more deeply with their inner self.

  • Color: Chemical Jaspers can come in a variety of colors, depending on the chemical processes used.
  • Meaning: They symbolize stability and wholeness.
  • Healing Properties: These stones are believed to provide balance and promote a sense of wholeness.
  • Chakra: Chemical Jaspers provide grounding energy and are suitable for all chakras.
  • Cobra Jasper

This type of Jasper is known for its unique pattern that mimics the skin of a cobra. It is often found in India. Cobra Jasper is believed to foster courage and resilience, especially in challenging situations. This stone is linked with the base chakra, promoting a sense of stability and safety.

  • Color: Cobra Jasper is distinct for its pattern that resembles the skin of a cobra.
  • Meaning: The stone signifies courage and resilience.
  • Healing Properties: It fosters courage and resilience, especially in challenging situations.
  • Chakra: This stone is connected with the base chakra, promoting stability and safety.
  • Dendritic Jasper

With its characteristic dendritic inclusions that create fern-like patterns, this type of Jasper is a powerful stone for grounding, stability, and physical and emotional endurance. It resonates with the heart chakra, promoting growth, perseverance, and a strong connection with the Earth.

  • Color: Dendritic Jasper is distinguished by fern-like patterns created by dendritic inclusions.
  • Meaning: It represents grounding, stability, and physical and emotional endurance.
  • Healing Properties: The stone promotes growth, perseverance, and a strong connection with the Earth.
  • Chakra: Dendritic Jasper resonates with the heart chakra, fostering growth and connection with nature.
  • Drusy Jasper

Drusy Jasper is distinguished by a shimmering coating of fine crystals on its surface, resembling a dusting of sugar. This sparkly aesthetic amplifies the stone’s healing properties, promoting positivity and joy. It resonates with all chakras, helping align and balance their energies. Drusy Jasper is often used in spiritual practices to uplift the spirit and inspire a sense of wonder and appreciation for life’s beauty.

  • Color: Drusy Jasper is unique for its fine crystal surface, which resembles a dusting of sugar.
  • Meaning: This stone signifies positivity and joy.
  • Healing Properties: It promotes positivity and joy, uplifting the spirit.
  • Chakra: Drusy Jasper resonates with all chakras, helping to align and balance their energies.
  • Elephant Skin Jasper

Also known as Calligraphy Stone or Miriam Stone, Elephant Skin Jasper is primarily found in the Himalayan region. The stone has markings that resemble the wrinkled skin of an elephant, hence the name. It is thought to help eliminate worries and foster a deep sense of peace and calmness. Associated with the third eye chakra, this stone is believed to stimulate intuition and enhance meditation.

  • Color: Elephant Skin Jasper, also known as Calligraphy Stone or Miriam Stone, has markings resembling the wrinkled skin of an elephant.
  • Meaning: This stone symbolizes peace and calmness.
  • Healing Properties: It helps eliminate worries and fosters a deep sense of peace and calmness.
  • Chakra: Associated with the third eye chakra, this stone stimulates intuition and enhances meditation.
  • Fancy Jasper

Fancy Jasper, widely found across the globe, features a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns. Known as the “Stone of Tranquility,” it is reputed for its calming properties, providing a sense of peace and well-being. Associated with the heart chakra, Fancy Jasper encourages love, compassion, and forgiveness. Its soothing energy helps to reduce fear, anxiety, and stress, creating a nurturing environment for personal growth.

  • Color: Fancy Jasper features a mix of colors and patterns.
  • Meaning: Known as the “Stone of Tranquility,” it symbolizes peace and well-being.
  • Healing Properties: Fancy Jasper reduces fear, anxiety, and stress, fostering a nurturing environment for personal growth.
  • Chakra: This stone is associated with the heart chakra, encouraging love, compassion, and forgiveness.
  • Genesis Stone

Also known as Banded Iron Formation Jasper, the Genesis Stone is found in Utah, USA. Its aesthetic resembles the early geological formations of Earth, symbolizing a return to one’s roots. Believed to foster spiritual growth and provide grounding energy, this stone helps individuals connect with their true purpose. It’s a powerful meditation tool that aids in connecting with higher spiritual realms.

  • Color: The Genesis Stone, also known as Banded Iron Formation Jasper, resembles early geological formations of Earth.
  • Meaning: This stone symbolizes a return to one’s roots and spiritual growth.
  • Healing Properties: It fosters spiritual growth and grounding energy, aiding individuals in connecting with their true purpose.
  • Chakra: The Genesis Stone is a powerful meditation tool that aids in connecting with higher spiritual realms.
  • Green Hair Jasper

This uniquely patterned Jasper gets its name from the green, hair-like inclusions within the stone. Associated with the heart chakra, Green Hair Jasper is thought to promote balance and harmony. Its nurturing energy soothes the emotional body, bringing forth feelings of love, compassion, and understanding. It can also foster growth, helping one to move forward with confidence and strength.

  • Color: Green Hair Jasper is named for the green, hair-like inclusions within the stone.
  • Meaning: This stone symbolizes balance and harmony.
  • Healing Properties: It promotes balance and harmony, soothing the emotional body.
  • Chakra: Green Hair Jasper is associated with the heart chakra, fostering feelings of love, compassion, and understanding.
  • Impression Jasper

Commonly referred to as Sea Sediment Jasper, Impression Jasper often undergoes dyeing to achieve vibrant, striking colors. This stone is considered a powerful protector, guarding against negativity and stress. Associated with the throat chakra, Impression Jasper supports open communication, enabling one to express their feelings and ideas clearly and confidently.

  • Color: Impression Jasper, also known as Sea Sediment Jasper, often features vibrant, striking colors achieved through dyeing.
  • Meaning: It is considered a powerful protector, guarding against negativity and stress.
  • Healing Properties: Impression Jasper supports open communication, enabling clear expression of feelings and ideas.
  • Chakra: This stone is associated with the throat chakra, promoting clear and confident communication.
  • Jasper Beads

Jasper beads, cut and polished from various types of Jasper, retain the healing properties of their original stone. These beads are frequently used in crafting jewelry pieces like necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. They not only offer the wearer aesthetic appeal but also serve as portable carriers of Jasper’s healing energy, offering benefits such as grounding, protection, and tranquility.

  • Color: Varies based on the type of Jasper.
  • Meaning: Grounding, protection, tranquility.
  • Healing properties: Encourages grounding, balances energies, provides comfort and support.
  • Chakra: Depends on the type of Jasper, but often resonates with the base chakra.
  • Jasper Cameo

A Jasper cameo is a piece of jewelry, usually a brooch or pendant, featuring a raised image or relief that has been carved into a Jasper stone. These ornate pieces often depict portraits, mythological scenes, or symbolic motifs, showcasing the craftsmanship of the carver. The Jasper cameo carries the same nurturing and protective energies of Jasper, complementing the wearer’s style with a sense of timeless elegance and strength.

  • Color: Varies based on the type of Jasper.
  • Meaning: Strength, elegance, timeless.
  • Healing properties: Provides nurturing and protective energies.
  • Chakra: Depends on the type of Jasper, generally resonates with the base chakra.
  • Jaspers Pseudomorphic on Fossils

This unique type of Jasper forms in place of fossils over time, producing patterns and structures that echo ancient life forms. They hold a deep connection with Earth’s history, embodying lessons from the past and encouraging a sense of respect for the passage of time. Working with this type of Jasper can facilitate a deeper understanding of life’s cycles and promote a sense of continuity and progression.

  • Color: Varies based on the type of Jasper.
  • Meaning: Connection to Earth’s history, respect for the passage of time.
  • Healing properties: Facilitates a deeper understanding of life’s cycles, promotes a sense of continuity and progression.
  • Chakra: Usually connected to the base chakra.
  • Kambaba Jasper

Also known as Crocodile Jasper, this stone is primarily found in Africa. It has dark concentric circles that give it a unique, eye-catching appearance. Kambaba Jasper is said to soothe the nerves and bring a sense of peace and tranquility. Linked to the heart chakra, it is believed to promote feelings of love and compassion.

  • Color: Dark green with black concentric circles.
  • Meaning: Peace and tranquility.
  • Healing properties: Soothes the nerves, promotes feelings of love and compassion.
  • Chakra: Heart chakra.
  • Kona Jasper

Originating from Hawaii, USA, Kona Jasper’s colors mimic the intense hues of volcanic rock found in its homeland. The stone is associated with the root chakra, known for grounding and anchoring energies. Kona Jasper is said to provide clarity of thought, instilling a sense of peace and tranquility, making it an excellent stone for those seeking a calming influence in their lives.

  • Color: Mimics the intense hues of volcanic rock.
  • Meaning: Grounding, clarity.
  • Healing properties: Provides clarity of thought, instills a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • Chakra: Root chakra.
  • Leopard Jasper

Also know as Leopard Skin Jasper, this stone is recognizable by its distinctive leopard-like spots, Leopard Jasper is believed to offer protection and stability. This stone resonates with the base chakra, providing a sense of security and grounding. It is often used as a shamanic stone, facilitating spiritual journeying and providing protection.

  • Color: Recognizable leopard-like spots.
  • Meaning: Protection, stability.
  • Healing properties: Provides a sense of security and grounding.
  • Chakra: Base chakra.
  • Massive Blocky Jaspers

Massive Blocky Jaspers, as the name suggests, form in large, solid blocks and can be found worldwide. They embody the strength and durability of Jasper and are often used for grounding and stabilizing purposes. Working with this type of Jasper can enhance feelings of stability and resilience.

  • Color: Varies based on the type of Jasper.
  • Meaning: Stability, resilience.
  • Healing properties: Enhances feelings of stability and resilience.
  • Chakra: Typically the base chakra.
  • Maligano Jasper

Hailing from Sulawesi, Indonesia, Maligano Jasper is celebrated for its abstract patterns. This stone is closely tied to the base chakra, promoting balance and grounding energies. It can help you to feel more attuned with your physical body and environment, reinforcing a sense of belonging and contentment.

  • Color: Abstract patterns.
  • Meaning: Balance, grounding.
  • Healing properties: Helps you feel more attuned with your physical body and environment.
  • Chakra: Base chakra.
  • Morrisonite Jasper

Found in the Owyhee Canyonlands of Oregon, Morrisonite Jasper is regarded as the “King of Jaspers” due to its high-quality, diverse colors, and intricate patterns. This stone is often associated with the higher chakras, including the third eye, encouraging imagination, intuition, and spiritual growth. It may inspire one’s journey towards the self and the divine, providing a nurturing energy that encourages inner peace.

  • Color: High-quality, diverse colors, intricate patterns.
  • Meaning: Imagination, intuition, spiritual growth.
  • Healing properties: Inspires journey towards self and divine, encourages inner peace.
  • Chakra: Higher chakras, including the third eye.
  • Noreena Jasper

Found in Western Australia, Noreena Jasper showcases intricate, abstract patterns that are truly mesmerizing. Like other Jaspers, it is linked to the base chakra, fostering grounding and stability. It’s a perfect stone for meditation, promoting a sense of connectedness with Mother Earth.

  • Color: Intricate, abstract patterns.
  • Meaning: Connectedness, grounding.
  • Healing properties: Promotes a sense of connectedness with Mother Earth.
  • Chakra: Base chakra.
  • Orbed Jaspers

Featuring captivating circular “orb” patterns, Orbed Jaspers can be found worldwide. These stones are thought to promote focus and grounding, helping to instill a sense of calm and balance. They resonate with the root chakra, making them perfect for grounding exercises and bringing a sense of stability to your life.

  • Color: Circular “orb” patterns.
  • Meaning: Focus, grounding.
  • Healing properties: Promotes focus and grounding, instills a sense of calm and balance.
  • Chakra: Root chakra.
  • Orbicular Jasper

Also known as Ocean Jasper, this type is noted for its distinctive circular patterns. Originating from Madagascar, it is linked with the heart and solar plexus chakras, encouraging emotional balance and self-love. Its healing properties include the release of negative emotions and promoting a sense of tranquility.

  • Color: Distinctive circular patterns.
  • Meaning: Emotional balance, self-love.
  • Healing properties: Releases negative emotions, promotes tranquility.
  • Chakra: Heart and solar plexus chakras.
  • Owyhee Jasper

Named after the Owyhee mountain range in Idaho, USA, Owyhee Jasper is often utilized during meditation practices. It is believed to bring about relaxation and peace, helping to quiet the mind and nurture the spirit. It resonates with the third eye chakra, aiding in the development of intuition and inner wisdom.

  • Color: Ranges from light to dark shades of brown.
  • Meaning: Relaxation, peace.
  • Healing properties: Quiets the mind, nurtures the spirit.
  • Chakra: Third eye chakra.
  • Picasso Jasper

Picasso Jasper, known for its striking patterns that resemble abstract artwork, is a metamorphic limestone that undergoes several transformations of heat and pressure resulting in its beautiful markings. This stone is said to be beneficial for creative individuals seeking new ideas or concepts. It helps transform relationships, attract like-minded people, and renew old friendships.

  • Color: Striking patterns resembling abstract art.
  • Meaning: Transformation, creativity.
  • Healing properties: Helps to foster creativity, encourages positive transformation.
  • Chakra: Root and sacral chakras.
  • Rainforest Jasper

Also known as Rhyolite, Rainforest Jasper originates from Australia. This Jasper type is associated with the heart chakra and is believed to promote a deep connection with nature. It encourages balance and fosters a sense of harmony with the natural world, enhancing environmental awareness and appreciation for the beauty of life.

  • Color: Multicolored with predominantly green hues.
  • Meaning: Connection with nature, balance.
  • Healing properties: Fosters a sense of harmony with the natural world, enhances environmental awareness.
  • Chakra: Heart chakra.
  • Red Creek Jasper

Originating from China, Red Creek Jasper is known for its striking red bands. It brings about balance and relaxation and is closely associated with the base chakra. The stone’s calming energies can be utilized to mitigate emotional stress and foster a sense of stability.

  • Color: Striking red bands.
  • Meaning: Balance, relaxation.
  • Healing properties: Mitigates emotional stress, fosters a sense of stability.
  • Chakra: Base chakra.
  • Rough Jasper

Referring to any type of Jasper in its raw, unpolished state, Rough Jasper maintains the same healing properties as its polished counterparts. Despite its rugged appearance, it is believed to provide grounding, protection, and comfort, reminding us of the stone’s natural origins and raw beauty.

  • Color: Varies based on the type of Jasper.
  • Meaning: Grounding, protection, raw beauty.
  • Healing properties: Provides grounding and comfort, reminders of the stone’s natural origins.
  • Chakra: Depends on the type of Jasper.
  • Rhyolitic Jaspers

Found worldwide, Rhyolitic Jaspers boast a unique, glassy texture. They’re often associated with balance and protection and are linked to multiple chakras depending on their color. These stones promote emotional balance and resilience, fostering a sense of stability and grounding. They can be especially helpful in times of change or upheaval, providing a sense of protection and peace.

  • Color: Varies, often a glassy texture.
  • Meaning: Balance, protection.
  • Healing properties: Promotes emotional balance and resilience, sense of stability and grounding.
  • Chakra: Linked to multiple chakras depending on their color.
  • Sea Jasper

Extracted from the shallow seas of Madagascar, Sea Jasper or Ocean Jasper, is a nurturing stone that encourages patience and helps to cope with change. Its spherical patterns and wide range of colors are indicative of its connection to the ocean and cycles of life. It resonates with the heart chakra, promoting self-love and empathy towards others.

  • Color: Wide range of colors, often with spherical patterns.
  • Meaning: Patience, coping with change.
  • Healing properties: Nurturing, encourages patience and coping with change.
  • Chakra: Heart chakra.
  • Spider Web Jasper

Characterized by its distinctive web-like patterns, Spider Web Jasper is believed to cultivate calm and patience. It resonates with the base chakra, grounding energies and promoting a sense of stability. This stone can assist in calming an overactive mind and fostering patience in challenging situations.

  • Color: Distinctive web-like patterns.
  • Meaning: Calm, patience.
  • Healing properties: Grounding, promotes a sense of stability, calming.
  • Chakra: Base chakra.
  • Sunset Jasper

This variety of Jasper exhibits warm, radiant colors, much like a beautiful sunset. It is said to enhance positivity and stimulate joy. The warm hues of Sunset Jasper are believed to nurture the solar plexus chakra, encouraging self-confidence and personal power.

  • Color: Warm, radiant colors.
  • Meaning: Positivity, joy.
  • Healing properties: Enhances positivity and stimulates joy.
  • Chakra: Solar plexus chakra.
  • Stratiform (Layered) Jaspers

These Jaspers have visible layers, usually due to differences in impurities during formation. They’re often associated with growth and progress, symbolizing life’s stages and the beauty of evolution. They resonate with the solar plexus chakra, encouraging personal power, motivation, and ambition.

  • Color: Visible layers due to impurities.
  • Meaning: Growth, progress.
  • Healing properties: Symbolizes life’s stages, beauty of evolution.
  • Chakra: Solar plexus chakra.
  • Turquoise Jasper

This Jasper variant is often dyed to imitate the appearance of turquoise. It’s associated with the throat chakra, facilitating clear communication and self-expression. Turquoise Jasper is believed to offer protection and healing, fostering a sense of calm and balance in one’s life.

  • Color: Often dyed to imitate turquoise.
  • Meaning: Clear communication, self-expression.
  • Healing properties: Offers protection and healing, fosters a sense of calm and balance.
  • Chakra: Throat chakra.
  • Unakite Jasper

Unakite is an altered granite composed of pink Orthoclase Feldspar, green Epidote, and clear Quartz, creating a uniquely marbled appearance. Often categorized as a type of Jasper, this stone harmonizes the heart chakra, promoting balance, patience, and inner peace. Unakite Jasper is known to aid in releasing emotional blockages and encouraging spiritual growth.

  • Color: Pink and green marbled appearance.
  • Meaning: Balance, patience, inner peace.
  • Healing properties: Releases emotional blockages, encourages spiritual growth.
  • Chakra: Heart chakra.
  • Watermelon Jasper

Watermelon Jasper, also known as Watermelon Tourmaline, is a unique variety of Jasper that displays vibrant green and pink colors, similar to a watermelon slice, hence its name. This variant of Jasper is particularly popular due to its appealing hues and its intriguing combination of colors that coexist in a beautiful harmony, much like the fruit it is named after.

  • Color: Vibrant green and pink colors.
  • Meaning: Harmony, balance.
  • Healing properties: Symbolizes harmony and balance, like its namesake fruit.
  • Chakra: Heart and base chakras.

Types of Jasper Complete Chart

Jasper Type Color Meaning Healing Properties Chakra
African Jasper Varied colors and textures Peace, Tranquility, Healing Promotes emotional stability and reduces fear Heart Chakra
Bruneau Jasper Brown to tan, with unique orbicular patterns Decision-making, Grounding Helps in problem-solving, offers grounding energy Base Chakra
Bumblebee Jasper Yellow, orange, and black bands Change, Acceptance Stimulates change and helps accept those changes Sacral Chakra
Carrasite Jasper Blue and green hues Peace, Tranquility Promotes inner peace and tranquility Throat Chakra
Chemical Jaspers Depends on the process used Stabilizing energies Offers the healing properties of natural Jasper Depends on the type of Jasper mimicked
Cobra Jasper Mimics the skin of a cobra Courage, Resilience Promotes courage and resilience Base Chakra
Dalmatian Jasper Light brown to beige with black spots Playfulness, Loyalty Reduces disillusionment and increases loyalty Base Chakra
Dendritic Jasper Various, with tree-like or frost patterns Growth, Persistence Encourages personal growth and persistence Heart Chakra
Dragon Blood Jasper Green with red spots Strength, Vitality Boosts strength and vitality Heart Chakra
Drusy Jasper Depends on the base Jasper, sparkly surface Positivity, Joy Promotes positivity and joy All Chakras
Elephant Skin Jasper Varied gray-brown patterns resembling elephant skin Patience, Protection Fosters patience and emotional protection Root Chakra
Fancy Jasper Various colors and patterns Calmness, Well-being Promotes calmness and overall well-being Heart Chakra
Genesis Stone Iron banding patterns Spiritual Growth, Grounding Facilitates spiritual growth and grounding energy Root Chakra
Green Hair Jasper Predominantly green with hair-like inclusions Balance, Harmony Helps in bringing balance and harmony Heart Chakra
Imperial Jasper Green, brown, and blue patterns Healing, Relaxation Promotes healing, relaxation, and tranquility Heart Chakra
Kambaba Jasper Deep green with black swirls Peace, Tranquility Enhances peace of mind and encourages tranquility Heart Chakra
Kona Jasper Colors resembling volcanic rock Peace, Clarity Promotes peace and clarity Root Chakra
Leopard Jasper Brown with black spots Protection, Stability Provides protection and stability Base Chakra
Leopard Skin Jasper Brown with black spots Journeying, Self-Healing Assists in self-healing and spiritual discovery Base Chakra
Maligano Jasper Abstract patterns in various colors Balance, Grounding Promotes balance and grounding Base Chakra
Massive Blocky Jaspers Varied, solid colors Strength, Grounding Provides strength and grounding energies Root Chakra
Mookaite Jasper Warm earth tones Nurturing, Grounding Encourages versatility and helps accept change Root Chakra
Morrisonite Jasper Varied patterns in multiple colors Imagination, Intuition Stimulates imagination and intuition Higher Chakras
Noreena Jasper Abstract patterns in reddish-brown tones Grounding, Stability Encourages grounding and stability Base Chakra
Ocean Jasper Varied orbicular patterns Relaxation, Joy Encourages relaxation and positive energy Heart Chakra
Orbicular Jasper Varied colors with circular orb patterns Grounding, Balance Promotes grounding and balance Base Chakra
Orbed Jaspers Varied colors with circular “orb” patterns Focus, Grounding Promotes focus and grounding Root Chakra
Owyhee Jasper Light brown, red, and blue Relaxation, Peace Brings relaxation and peace Third Eye Chakra
Picasso Jasper Abstract patterns similar to Picasso’s art Calm, Creativity Encourages calm and boosts creativity Root Chakra
Picture Jasper Varied earth tones with picture-like patterns Harmony, Balance Encourages harmony and balance Root Chakra
Poppy Jasper Red with black flecks Energy, Vitality Stimulates energy and vitality Base Chakra
Rainforest Jasper Green and brown Connection with Nature, Balance Fosters a connection with nature and balance Heart Chakra
Red Jasper Deep, rusty red Protection, Grounding Alleged protective qualities, fosters emotional stability and courage Base or Root Chakra
Red Creek Jasper Striking red bands Balance, Relaxation Encourages balance and relaxation Base Chakra
Red Jasper Deep red Strength, Stability Enhances strength, stamina, and stability Base Chakra
Rhyolitic Jaspers Varied, glassy texture Balance, Protection Encourages balance and offers protection Linked to multiple chakras depending on color
Rough Jasper Varied in its raw, unpolished state Endurance, Comfort Contains the same healing properties as polished Jasper Depends on the type of Jasper
Sea Jasper Varied oceanic patterns Relaxation, Positive Energy Brings relaxation and positive energy Heart Chakra
Spider Web Jasper Varied with spider web-like patterns Calm, Patience Encourages calm and fosters patience Base Chakra
Stratiform (Layered) Jaspers Layered colors due to impurities during formation Growth, Progress Promotes growth and progress Solar Plexus Chakra
Sunset Jasper Reds and oranges, mimicking a sunset Stability, Passion Encourages emotional stability and fosters passion Sacral Chakra
Turquoise Jasper Turquoise Protection, Healing Promotes protection and healing Throat Chakra
Unakite Jasper Combination of green and pink Balance, Recovery Encourages emotional balance and recovery Heart Chakra
Yellow Jasper Yellow Protection, Balance Provides protection and balance Solar Plexus Chakra

Which Stones to Combine with Jasper?

When it comes to gemstone combinations, Jasper Stone can be paired with various other stones to enhance its energies and create unique synergies. Here are some stones that complement Jasper Stone beautifully:

  1. Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is known as the “Master Healer” and can amplify the properties of other gemstones. Combining Clear Quartz with Jasper Stone can enhance its healing and balancing effects.
  2. Amethyst: Amethyst is a calming and spiritual stone. Pairing it with Jasper Stone can create a harmonious blend of grounding and spiritual energies, promoting balance and inner peace.
  3. Carnelian: Carnelian is a stone of vitality and creativity. When combined with Jasper Stone, it can add a boost of motivation, passion, and courage, enhancing the stone’s grounding properties.
  4. Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz is the stone of love and compassion. By combining Rose Quartz with Jasper Stone, you can create a powerful combination that fosters self-love, emotional healing, and nurtures relationships.
  5. Tiger’s Eye: Tiger’s Eye is a stone of protection and confidence. It can work synergistically with Jasper Stone to enhance courage, personal power, and provide a shield against negative energies.
  6. Labradorite: Labradorite is a stone of transformation and spiritual awakening. When paired with Jasper Stone, it can enhance intuition, connection with higher realms, and promote a deeper understanding of one’s life purpose.
  7. Black Onyx: Black Onyx is a stone of strength and grounding. Combining it with Jasper Stone can provide a powerful protective shield and enhance stability and self-control.

These are just a few examples, and the choice of gemstone combinations ultimately depends on personal preferences and intentions. Experimenting with different stones can lead to unique and meaningful energy combinations that resonate with you.


How many different types of Jasper are there?

Jasper is a microcrystalline variety of quartz that occurs in many different colors and patterns. Because of this variety, it is difficult to determine an exact number of Jasper types. However, there are dozens of recognized varieties, including Red Jasper, Dalmatian Jasper, Ocean Jasper, Picture Jasper, Yellow Jasper, Rainforest Jasper, and many others.

Is Jasper a type of quartz?

Yes, Jasper is a variety of quartz. It’s classified as a microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline form of quartz, which means it has crystal structures that are too small to be seen without high magnification. Jasper is often rich in impurities, which give it its wide range of colors and patterns.

What type of stone is Jasper?

Jasper is a sedimentary stone that is primarily composed of microcrystalline quartz. It is a type of chalcedony, which is a category of quartz. Jasper often contains organic material and iron oxides that give it unique patterns and colorations. It is known for its streaks and spots of color, and is found in many parts of the world.

julie healing crystals shop
Julie, Founder

I am a crystal enthusiast and the proud founder of Healing Crystals Shop. My passion lies in sharing the incredible healing potential of crystals and stones with others. With a deep commitment to empowering individuals, I invite you to join me on a transformative journey. Explore the curated collection, embrace your own healing potential, and experience the profound impact that crystals can have on your well-being. Through my articles and resources, I strive to bring awareness and understanding about the remarkable world of crystals, empowering individuals to harness their energy for personal growth and well-being.

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