Lizardite: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

yellow lizardite mineral crystal

Lizardite (also known as Orthoantigorite) is an earthy green gemstone which holds powerful energy from nature. It offers strong healing vibrations which facilitate meditation and spiritual expectations.

As serpentinization takes place within ultramafic rocks such as peridotite and dunite deep within Earth’s crust, ultramafic rocks become serpentinized.

What Is It?

Lizardite belongs to the serpentine group of minerals. This metamorphic mineral features greenish-white to pale green hues with an intoxicating pearlescent sheen. First discovered on Cornwall’s Lizard Peninsula in England, lizardite has inspired numerous legends and tales worldwide.

Lizardite is an incredible gemstone of hope and renewal; its powerful energy vibrations help clear chakra blockages while increasing concentration during meditation, as well as root out any negative energies or feelings that prevent you from attaining spiritual goals. Lizardite helps open and expand heart chakra, inviting love into your life while its soothing earthy energy promotes spiritual development while soothing mood swings.

Lizardite is a beautiful gem belonging to the serpentine family that forms in masses, fibers, plates or small-flexible prismatic crystals. As a magnesium silicate hydroxide mineral it forms components of serpentine-group gabbro, diorite, pyroxene and olivine rocks as well as deep within earth crust layers like peridotite and dunite rock layers where high pressure and temperature expose clay minerals metamorphically reacted into these beautiful gemstones.

Lizardite is another asbestiform mineral, similar to chrysotile and antigorite, that should not be touched directly, although snorting or licking it should still be avoided. Lizardite can be used as a healing stone by treating diabetes, harmonizing mineral absorption, relaxing cramps and menstrual pain as well as relieving kidney and stomach ache. Ophiolite sequences contain this mineral.

Origins and Composition

Lizardite is a magnesium silicate hydroxide mineral found in serpentinite rocks, where it forms as a polymorph of serpentine. Lizardite occurs as masses, fibers or plates; most frequently seen with its characteristic light green hue and pearly-matte finish luster adorning many forms of rock types ranging from igneous to metamorphic formations.

Lizardite formation occurs under specific conditions. This process requires high pressure and temperature. As part of this transformation process, various clay minerals such as ilmenite and talc are transformed into serpentine minerals such as lizardite. However, this slow and complex process takes thousands or even millions of years.

Serpentine is a group of minerals with various species exhibiting unique chemical compositions and crystal structures, commonly misidentified with chrysotile. While they are frequently confused as being interchangeable, it’s important to keep in mind that they differ significantly; Lizardite is a hydrated magnesium silicate while Chrysotile contains asbestos fibres in its makeup.

Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall, England was where it was initially discovered and identified in 1955 by Eric James William Whittaker and Jack Zussman. Lizard Peninsula serpentine belongs to the serpentine group; similar rocks include antigorite and chrysotile.

Lizardite is a dense cryptocristalline mixture of serpentine group minerals such as antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite that occurs naturally within environments containing chlorite, ilmenite and magnetite. Although not considered harmful in itself, due to its density it should be handled carefully when handling.

Different Types

Lizardite is a member of the serpentine group and can be found in many types of metamorphic rocks. It features pale green hues with smooth surfaces that may even appear pearly to touch, making it suitable for jewelry making and decorative items; additionally it also possesses healing and spiritual benefits.

Lizardite crystal is often associated with various myths and legends that span various cultures and geographical regions, all sharing one central belief – that it possesses powerful healing and magical properties, helping people find their true calling in life.

Lizardite crystal can also be utilized as an alternative medicine treatment option, with evidence supporting its efficacy for diabetes and menstrual pain treatment. This is because its natural ability is to help restore and balance normal bodily functions.

Crystals are often considered an excellent alternative to other medicinal products due to their extremely low levels of toxic elements and potential health benefits, including alleviating tension and stress while soothing muscles and joints.


Lizardite is an intriguing mineral that holds important insights into Earth’s geologic past. While it belongs to the serpentine family of minerals, its unique properties distinguish it from similar minerals like chrysotile and antigorite.

Lizardite formation is an intricate process, unique to certain parts of Earth. Lizardite forms when clay minerals undergo metamorphosis under high pressure and temperature conditions, taking years, or even centuries, to finish this transformation process. Lizardite typically occurs within ultramafic rocks such as peridotite and dunite rocks where ultramafic rocks such as peridotite occur naturally.

As there are various legends and folktales surrounding Lizardite from different cultures and geographic regions, all these stories share one theme – that it symbolizes change, renewal, and new beginnings like its namesake snake.

Spiritually, Lizardite is known for offering protection and good fortune to those who wear or carry it. Additionally, this crystal may help clear one’s energy fields of blocked or stagnant energies, clearing away stagnation in order to allow free vitality flow – especially beneficial during times of transition in their lives such as job transition or relationship breakups.

Lizardite has long been used in healing practices as an effective way of balancing the heart chakra, increasing feelings of love and compassion while aiding meditation practices. Additionally, this mineral may encourage creativity by unblocking any barriers keeping us from manifesting our dreams into reality.


Lizardite is an exquisite crystal that symbolises the wisdom, cunning, and flexibility of snakes – qualities it shares with them! Lizardite can enhance your decision-making ability while its wise energy can teach patience and non-attachment – which makes it ideal for boundary work or emotional healing.

Serpentine belongs to the serpentine group and, like its relatives, can often be found in metamorphic rocks. It’s formed through clay minerals undergoing metamorphism when exposed to extreme temperatures and pressures; Eric William Whittaker and Jack Zussman named the mineral after its discovery on Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall England where it was initially named.

Lizardite forms part of a solid solution series composed of the nickel-bearing mineral nepouite (pure end member: Ni3(Si2O5)(OH)4) and intermediate compositions with variable proportions of magnesium and nickel, typically found in altered ultramafic rocks. This mineral can often be found within altered ultramafic rocks.

Lizardite (Orthantigorite), is an exquisite gemstone known for its intense vibration that aids meditation and spiritual practice. This gemstone opens and aligns all chakras of the torso while clearing energy blockages; additionally it triggers Kundalini energy while connecting people to Devic Realm.

This rare mineral is widely recognized for its healing properties and can be used to address numerous health conditions. It helps balance emotions, energise heartbeats, ease pain relief and cure diabetes as well as kidney and stomach ailments. Furthermore, it acts as a natural stress buster while relaxing menstrual cramps too! Furthermore, it stimulates creativity to foster an optimistic approach toward life.

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Julie, Founder

I am a crystal enthusiast and the proud founder of Healing Crystals Shop. My passion lies in sharing the incredible healing potential of crystals and stones with others. With a deep commitment to empowering individuals, I invite you to join me on a transformative journey. Explore the curated collection, embrace your own healing potential, and experience the profound impact that crystals can have on your well-being. Through my articles and resources, I strive to bring awareness and understanding about the remarkable world of crystals, empowering individuals to harness their energy for personal growth and well-being.

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