Spherocobaltite: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

spherocobaltite cobalt mineral gem stone

Spherocobaltite, also referred to as cobaltocalcite, is a variant of calcite that displays enhanced colors due to cobalt ions being substituted in its crystal lattice in place of magnesium and calcium ions.

Spherocobaltite (CoCO3) is a carbonate mineral with pink to rose red hues and forms rhombohedral crystals.

What Is It?

Spherocobaltite is an abundant form of cobalt carbonate mineral found worldwide. This stunning crystal has an irresistibly beautiful pink or rose red hue and boasts a trigonal crystal system. Additionally, its specific gravity of 4.2 makes it often found alongside other minerals like calcite or malachite.

Due to their similar colors, it is sometimes misunderstood for other cobalt carbonates like rhodochrosite and stichtite; however, when placed side-by-side you can tell which is which. Rhodochrosite and stichtite tend to exhibit hot pink to purple-pink hues while spherocobaltite has more of a peach blossom red hue.

Cobalto calcite is widely recognized as an excellent stone for people suffering from PTSD, helping alleviate their discomfort and anxiety caused by it. Additionally, this stone stimulates the heart chakra, increases concentration and memory retention and can even assist with accessing past lives as it releases images stored within unconscious mind. Cobalto calcite can also serve as a great catalyst when working on creative projects, opening up more possibilities of ideas and inspiration.

Athene is also an excellent stone for clearing away blockages within your aura, helping those struggling with depression or fear to alleviate symptoms by improving moods and helping ease loss pains. Furthermore, this crystal is great for improving circulation and strengthening immunity systems and should always be kept nearby when feeling down; making it the ideal companion when flying as it can also aid against nausea and upset stomachs.

Origins & Composition

Spherocobaltite, or cobalt carbonate, is one of the most prevalent forms of cobalt in nature and in industrial processes as raw material for producing pigments and catalysts. Furthermore, cobalt carbonate exists as a colorless powder with slight acid solubility; additionally it plays an essential part in hydrometallurgical purification processes for extracting cobalt from its ore.

Spherocobaltite’s pink to red hue may be mistaken for that of two other carbonates; rhodochrosite and stichtite. When seen side-by-side however, their differences become obvious: Rhodochrosite has deeper rose hues while stichtite tends to lean more toward purple pink; in addition, spherocobaltite’s more intense pink color stands out against these other minerals’ more muted red tones.

This mineral forms in low-temperature epiphytic environments and is commonly found as inclusions with kolwezite in supergene chalcocite (Co2S4) deposits or microscopic crystals within country rocks of copper-cobalt ore deposits. Furthermore, its presence has been proven by chemical analysis using backscatter imaging and EPMA analyses in samples from Copperbelt regions.

Cobalt’s affinity for oxygen and sulfur classifies it as part of the chalcophile group of metals, and it can be found as part of ore minerals like erythrite, linnealite, and spherocobaltite in ore deposits such as erythrite, linnealite and spherocobaltite sulfide ore minerals such as erythrite; its presence also occurs naturally within silicate layers such as cobaltite and Safflorite; its organic forms include cobaltitite and Safflorite while organic forms can also be found within plant roots, animal waste. Finally it has weak genotoxic effects upon HeLa cells as evidenced by DNA strand breaks as well as changes to base sequence but no sister chromatid exchanges or abnormalities [120].

Different Types

Cobalt can be found in copper and nickel sulfide minerals such as cobaltite (CoAsS), erythrite (Co3(AsO4)) and glaucodot (CoAs2S). However, these mineral ores can be harmful to humans due to the presence of toxic sulfur compounds, arsenic and heavy metals – not to mention radioactive elements like thorium and radioactive uranium that they contain. Thankfully there is another type of cobalt ores that may be more environmentally-friendly – residual oxide ores.

Ores are formed when sulfide minerals, like those mentioned above, are exposed to oxygen in the air and exposed to weathering and oxidization by its action, producing oxides and metal compounds like cobalt carbonate as by-products. Cobalt carbonate is an odorless powder with pink to red hues that crystallizes in trigonal systems; commonly used as slip and glaze colorant in ceramics.

Sphaerocobaltite is an exquisite and rare mineral composed of cobalt carbonate. Also referred to as cobaltocalcite or spherocobaltite-calcite, this rare find can often be found in various shades of pink from pale to deep pinkish-red for gem use.

Sphaerocobaltite has a hardness of 3.0 and an optical refraction index between 1.885-1.601. It’s also quite fragile with perfect cleavage. A very attractive and rare gemstone, Sphaerocobaltite makes an excellent tool for dissolving negative energy and encouraging spiritual development, activating the heart chakra while creating feelings of joy and compassion – it may even assist with past life regression healing as it opens you up to Kwan Yin’s energy!


Spherocobaltite is a type of cobalt carbonate known by its mineral name Sphaerocobaltite, with pink to light red hues composed of calcium and cobalt. As part of the calcite family, this mineral crystallizes in trigonal system with perfect rhombohedral cleavage; its color ranges from deep rose-pink hues that match those found in other calcite minerals like Rhodochrosite and Stichite.

Spherocobaltite can be found both in veins and hydrothermal deposits in nature. This mineral forms through either the oxidation of Co2+ in groundwater, or via oxygen in combination with hydrogen. Spherocobaltite forms part of cobalt-based alloys used in high performance Li-ion batteries, or occurs naturally as an accessory mineral in many ore bodies.

Spherocobaltite stands out among other carbonates because it contains only cobalt and not calcium, making it a unique mineral. Spherocobaltite often forms Cobaltocalcite solid solution series in which both types exist within one crystal structure simultaneously (LeFort 2012). Spherocobaltite composition typically ranges between 5- 21 weight percent Co and 9-25 weight percent Ni (LeFort, 2012).

Spherocobaltite, like many calcite-based minerals, possesses numerous healing properties. It is said to promote self-love, ease intense feelings, and calm the mind; and help heal inner child wounds incurred during childhood which affect a person into adulthood. Furthermore, incorporating this mineral into daily routine may increase clarity during meditation sessions as well as promote ideation while strengthening connections between heart chakra and throat chakra.


Symbolism is the practice of employing symbols as symbolic representations for something else, whether that’s feelings, meanings, emotions or larger themes or stories. They can help express deeper meaning or emotions than words alone can. They may help tie different aspects together more cohesively than just text alone can.

Meditation on such symbols as Yin Yang or Solar Cross may help balance opposing energies within yourself and the universe.

Cobalt Calcite (or Spherocobaltite-Calcite) is an extraordinary crystal composed of both cobalt and calcite. It can be found as crusts and small crystals in cobalt bearing veins worldwide, most commonly in mines located near Shaba, Zaire. Crusts may feature dark green malachite crusts which drape down from them, with crystals having either transparent to translucent properties with botryoidal or globular forms which range in color from colorless rose-pink hues; crystal cleavage is perfect in all three directions for creating perfect rhombohedrons.

Spherocobaltite-Calcite derives its coloration from cobalt. When pure, this mineral is known as Sphaerocobaltite but often gets mistaken for Cobaltocalcite because most samples contain calcium as well.

Labradorite is an incredible stone for nurturing self-love and emotional healing, stimulating intuition to bring awareness of our spiritual purpose and higher consciousness, protecting against negative energy, discerning truth from illusion, grounding us to Gaia while helping transform geopathic stress into sustainable energy sources, strengthening spines and alleviating arthritis conditions.

julie healing crystals shop
Julie, Founder

I am a crystal enthusiast and the proud founder of Healing Crystals Shop. My passion lies in sharing the incredible healing potential of crystals and stones with others. With a deep commitment to empowering individuals, I invite you to join me on a transformative journey. Explore the curated collection, embrace your own healing potential, and experience the profound impact that crystals can have on your well-being. Through my articles and resources, I strive to bring awareness and understanding about the remarkable world of crystals, empowering individuals to harness their energy for personal growth and well-being.

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